1. Where can I track my order?

As soon as the product is shipped out, you will receive an email from us with the tracking information and other details pertaining to delivery.

2. When will I receive my order?

Most of our products are processed within 2-3 business days. It takes 5-10 business days to arrive once shipped. Please contact us if you need to check your order status.

3. How do I get a refund if I am not satisfied with my purchase?

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, just send us an email at support@365rustic.com and we will make it right by offering you a replacement or refund. 

A full refund of your purchase! Absolutely risk-free, no question asked.

4. Do you ship worldwide?

Now we only ship within the United States.

5. Can I custom products with my own photos?

It depends on the products. Please feel free to email support@365rustic.com, our customer service team will give you a detailed solution.

6. What can I do if my card is declined, and I cannot finish the checkout?

Please try to place the order again using Paypal. You can find the instruction for payment via Paypal card. Please read carefully and follow the steps.

7. How do I change or cancel my orders?

Please contact us as soon as possible if you need to modify or cancel your order. Make sure to provide your order number and the modification you would like to make, and we’ll confirm once the modification has been made.

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